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Gentlemen this is the first time I've used this application but bear with me.  I thought perhaps some of you may become a little bored in the holidays and this is the perfect time to maximise free time, rather than leave everything to the month before cramming for the HSC (Ive been there and done that...not the best idea). 


For the students who have given me you assessments and carried out the practical component your marks have been submitted to Mr Rutherford and are on the system.  Thankfully he looked over them as I may have been a little hard marking so some of you will get a suprise. On a whole every one addressed the question but did not link their information back to the senario injuries and what the athlete should do. Most for you identified and explained but did not justify.


I would really recommend that you spend at least an hour a day or one hour per week for each subject in this break revising notes and attempting HSC questions  a good links is


Many of the revision questions I have used or altered are from various publications, but I hope they are of some use to you all.


Each week I  will put a number of questions up (giving you time to organise your answer using the syllabus document) and then Ill put an example answer up:)


Simple click on the  sports medicine tabe above to be directed.


Enjoy the holidays


Miss Woods



Happy New Year for 2012.